It will be something like this:
- Quote :
- Quiz (1): Using the Dictionary
1- Write the name of your Dictionary: _____________________________
2- Write the word on the board : ___________________________
3- Write the three primary meanings for that word in Arabic:
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4- Write down the sentence on the board:
5- Translate the specified word in this sentence: ________________
Bonus Chance: Translate the whole sentence into correct Arabic.
The teacher will choose a random word and write it on the board. then, writes a sentence using the same word as follows:
- Quote :
- attitude
That girl has a bad attitude.
If you tried to solve it using Al-Mawrid only, you will get this:
- Quote :
- 1- موقف
2- وضع جسماني
You will need to check your English/English Dictionary.
And you can answer the Quiz as follows:
- Quote :
- Quiz (1): Using the Dictionary
1- Write the name of your Dictionary: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
2- Write the word on the board : attitude
3- Write the three primary meanings for that word in Arabic:
1. .الأراء أو المشاعر تجاه شيء ما
2. .تصرفاتك تجاه شخص أو موقفك من قضية
3. .طريقة اللباس أو التصرفات التي تدل على الثقة
4- Write down the sentence on the board:
That girl has a bad attitude.
5- Translate the specified word in this sentence: تصرفات
Bonus Chance: Translate the whole sentence into correct Arabic.
.تلك الفتاة سيئة الأخلاق